
Code wordsand This monitoring – Consist of letter markers, для наглядности они выделены на фоне двух цветов (Colors are close to blossom flag state in which BMCK created), but this is not the main thing in the code word. A code word is information that determines which state it really reflects., its structural units, leaders heading these structural units and the activities of these structures under the leadership of these leaders in states known to mankind and which are to be created on planet Earth, starting from wild primitive cave capitalism to the naturally democratic state of the third millennium, giving humanity the opportunity to transition and live in a normal era of development on planet Earth and beyond! this is partially published on the websites of the ChAESV portal and will be finally published later.

При применении ТАУГ созданного с применение БМЦК невозможно выдавать желаемое за действительное, only valid is displayed!.

Какую информацию кодируют буква-маркер, this is a letter combined with a number, in code BMTC components below induced code words. To view, hover over the highlighted code, the image disappears “hands”, make an entry, you will receive information: Don't be upset if you can't get to the encoded information, strong lies in its confidentiality and it is accessible with a password, субъектам которым она адресована, a password is provided when identifying a person in services with public access or information is sent to this subject by e-mail or state.- mail, с указание кода.

Code words BMCC-TAUG
(related to the facts of compliance with the norms of the Laws of Ukraine, established for the preferential category of persons with disabilities) 





AIVAnatoly Iosifovich Varivoda
LVP-01.11.2023-14:00 Sent to Svyatoshinsky Department of Social Protection of the Population (SUSZN)-Personal: Pavlenko L. IN.
RVS31.10.2023 Sent by the Social Police Department. Kiev (DSPK) -Personal: Svitlomy R.IN.

Z – Appeal


Department of Social Policy of. Of Kyiv
Personally: Raddressed to Valentinovych Світлому (RVS)

Ave. Lubomir Husar, 7, m. Kiev, 03165, tel. (044) 404-21-97
E-mail: social@kyivcity.gov.ua
Sviatoshynsk Department of Social Protection of the Population
Personally: Leonidin Valeriyovychin Pavlenko (LVP)
03148, m. Kiev, street. Yura's ghetto, 14-B
Anatoly Иосифович Варивода (AIV)
War disabled (as a result of the liquidation of Cheka86) 1Group B, по опорно двигательному аппарату (amputated lower. limbs)
01364, r. Kiev, he is. Klavdievskaya, building 40b, kv.4, e-mail: var44a@gmail.com, tel. (067) 372-39-63,

Требую предоставить полную информацию from 2018 by 2023 year related to compensation assigned to citizen Varivoda Larisa Anatolyevna (LAV) for round-the-clock care for citizen Varivoda Anatoly Iosifovich (AIV) который является – з квітня 2018р. a war invalid 1b групи з ампутацією обох нижніх кінцівок які не можливо протезувати внаслідок численних переломів кісток тазу, ці переломи не лікувались, як и переломи ребр тулубу по причині зменшити навантаження на організм для рятування життя, тому здійснювалось тільки операційні втручання по ампутації нижніх кінцівок.

З 2018р. AIV established benefits Article 13 b168u3551-12_22101993_ZU "On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection".

LAV is a family member AIV is officially married to him. LAV в результате инвалидности AIV и необходимости круглосуточного ухода за ним, lost the opportunity to work and participate in the formation of the family budget, became 100% его иждивенцем с 2018 of the year.

  1. Names of the structural unit of the Department of Social Policy. Kiev, Svyatosheskogo USZN, who carried out control and assignment of compensation to Larisa Anatolyevna Varivoda (LAV)
  2. Full name of subjects who made the calculations, CONTROL, who confirmed them with their signature, before this appeal and to this appeal.
  3. Provide calculation formula
  4. Initial data included in the calculation formula, which correspond to income, established by articles of the Tax Code of Ukraine
  5. The norm of the Law of Ukraine, which benefits are established citizen LAV personally , but not the disabled, whom she cares for.
  6. Calculation of compensation using the formula specified in clause 3,
  7. Reasons for not paying the assigned and reduced compensation annually for two months in a row, after her appointment.

Информацию по п1-п7 сформировать и предоставить при соблюдении ст.6, Article 8, Article 68 of the Constitution of Ukraine, Article 4, Article 8, Article 273 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, других Законов и подзаконных норм которые соответствуют нормам Конституции Украины и Гражданскому кодексу Украины.

Regarding the essence of the appeal, I additionally inform –

WITH 16.01.2018 p. to 01.04.2018. LAV does not work, for the reason of being in a medical institution and takes care of AIV in cooperation with the specialists of the medical institution. Life AIV is currently in critical condition

LAV based on external (not given), внутренних семейных обстоятельств з 01.04.2018 p. provides care for AIV, одночасово виконує кур’єрські функції та в додаток долає спротив, щодо переоформлення групи інвалідності AIV in the polyclinic at the place of residence and specialized MSEK. with 25.04.2018 до Святошинської УСЗН on the issuance of an AIV war invalid certificate on the basis of the rights of the established. ЗУ b168u3551-12_22101993_ZU "On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection". but SUSZN refuses to issue a certificate, refusal recognized by the court illegal, та примусово видано по рішенню Суду. Unfortunately, AIV in accordance with Article 8, and 68 Конституцію України не став звертатися до суду про звільнення від посад суб’єктів порушників Закону які працюють в СУСЗН . В наслідок цього «Святошинське Управління соціального захисту від населення» як безкарно порушували раніше та продовжують безкарно порушувати ст.6, Article 8, ст.68 КУ та Закони які відповідають КУ.

From December 2022. taking into account "special secrecy?” information, которая присвоенная Святошинской УТЗН и ДСПК назначению и назначаемой Вариводе Ларисе Анатольевне компенсации по уходом за членом семьи с инвалидностью войн 1б группы– вынуждена сообщить, что она доверяет главе семьи, to her husband Varivoda Anatoly Iosifovich, with whom she is staying 100% dependents, carry out all actions without exception related to the assignment of compensation in all government structures of the state of Ukraine - make requests, получить информацию, draw conclusions, protect her interests as stated above, наводится в абзаце 1 this appeal, это согласие заверяет своей подписью.

In essence, I additionally demand -

Ответы с расчётам назначенной компенсации и других требованиями обращения за период с 01.10.2023г. по 01.10.2024г. send immediately, by sending by e-mail var44a@gmail.com – pdf file format, and also in writing in Ukrainian. mail, for other periods as required, путем описанного способа, не позже 15 calendar days.

01.11.2023 Signatures Л. Varivoda (LAV)


Signature AND. Varivoda (AIV)


Publication author

offline 1 week


Comments: 1Publics: 64Registration: 20-07-2022

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