
B168C26F8M1P2UZ1 (temporarily – без окончательной привязкb к БМЦК) The first deputy head of the Svyatoshyn district state administration in the city of Kyiv ensures the implementation of regulations: 1. Constitution of Ukraine; Civil Code of Ukraine Article 4 Acts of Civil Legislation of Ukraine Articles 270–276 of the Laws of Ukraine "On the Capital of Ukraine – місто-герой



BUDGET, STRUCTURE, OIIS, POIS, ZYX (LAG) Grigorenko Vasil Vasilyevich . b168c26f8m1p2VVG Перший зам Голови Святошинської РДА ZYX (SIP) Пилипчук Сергій Іванович . b168c26f8m1-2SIP Экс-Перший зам Голови Святошинської РДА ZYX (VGM) )Морозов Володимир Григорович . b168c26f8m1-2VGM Экс-Перший зам Голови Святошинської РДА a



BUDGET, STRUCTURE, OIIS, POIS, ZYX Мельник Александр Григорович (AGM) since 2018. B168C26F8G35H40-2M1P1 Chairman of the condominium Klavdievskaya 40b Manager, balance sheet keeper of house 40b ZYX Secret Anatoly Ivanovich (AIS) since 2017. to 2018. B168C26F8G35H40-2M1-2 Ex-Chairman of the Klavdievskaya 40b condominium of OIIS, POIS, ZYX Vizetiu Andrey Tarasovich (ATV)…



Date and place of birth of Seriy Anatoliyovych Pavlovsky (SAP): 16 серпня 1989 year, the city of Kyiv. Education: – in 2013 graduated from the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets and received a diploma with honors in the specialty "medical business", was entered to…



BUDGET, STRUCTURE, OIIS, POIS, ZYX Голова Святошинської районної в місті Києві державної адміністрації ZYX (SAP) Pavlovsky Sergey Anatolyevich 200520-270623- b168c26f8m1-1SAP Ex-Head of the State Administration of Svyatoshynska District in the city of Kyiv ZYX (AOT) Trambovetsky Andriy Oleksandrovich 281119-200520 b168c26f8m1-1AOT Ex-Chairman of Svyatoshynska district in the city of Kyiv state…