BMCK and SWIK совместно позволят создать демократическое общество третьего тысячелетия с автоматизированным управлением всеми процессами Политической, The economic, Social sphere of the state, in the end – bring humanity out of the dead end of civilization (self-destruction), build a state for the people living on its territory.


General information about "Letter marker digital coding"

Ukraine is the country in which БМЦК - "Letter marker digital coding" - allows simultaneous coding: Static, Functional, Dynamic management of static and functional codes – spend unification, structure information infinite in time and space, automate its processing and apply in management processes in all spheres of human activity at the local, state, international levels, allows multilevel passwords to protect information, including h. exclude false information, including political information, will reduce the time for transmitting information by not repeating the transmission of previously transmitted information, incl.. modified, only changes are transferred.

International code of the author of the portal – sites – "" and БМЦК"" and, author's details are protected by ternary password

Practically testing БМЦК started in stages from December 2020., starting from Static, further Functional, then Dynamic coding of individual structures of the Political sphere, Economic sphere, Social sphere b168-Ukraine – on the model of NGOs of the third millennium state with the use of digital technologies, including testing on individual structures of the states of the world community on the website "»States of the planet Earth, the purpose of testing is to show perspective and equal opportunities all the advantages of coding БМЦК for – 193 - UN member states and all other states.

With project, can be previewed as publications are posted in real time, finally after the message about its end in current topics, which will be done after the end of the information modification based on БМЦК on all Internet resources of the portal,,, - these are the experimental parts of the project, initiating the development БМЦК .

Currently, the trademark is being prepared for registration, it is also the future domain name of the final portal of the ChNPP:

Also, the patenting of the BMCC is being prepared. – (Bookmarker digital coding)

Static encoding

  1. a0 – Planets of the Universe
  2. b0 – States of the planet
  3. c0 – Region, Region, ……..
  4. f0 – District of the region, region, …….
  5. g0 – Название улиц
  6. h0 – House numbers
  7. i0 – Apartment numbers, offices,……


Functional coding

The BMCC functional coding system will be briefly outlined after patenting, not given for reasons of not disclosing a patent claim.

Dynamic encoding

Dynamic coding system BMCC will be summarized after patenting, not given for reasons of not disclosing a patent claim.



Системная виртуальная информационная коммуникация

Main function Internet resources are "System virtual information communication» (Further SWIK) между субъектами (Homo) living on planet Earth.

Structurally, any state includes three areas: The political, The economic, Social, (further - SG SPES). System inPpandinstate ownership (Further - SUG) includes the management of numerous functions of all areas, входящих в SG SPES.

Currently, at the initial stage of the application of SWIK for SG SPES in the aisles of separate sets of functions, included in the SG, limited to, использованием основной функцию СВИК статического кодирования, This – оцифровка существовавших справочных информационных систем: books, газет, Photo, audi, video materials, including separate procedures for registration of certain types of services, reporting, которые в последующем размещаются в оцифрованном виде на интернет ресурсах, with SWIC function.
